Our practice has decided to outsource our medical reporting work to an NHS Digital accredited company called iGPR.
iGPR will be processing your medical reports and Subject Acess Requests (SAR) and providing online access via their secure encrypted portal.
iGPR is fully compliant with best business and NHS security standards for the management of patient data. iGPR is compliant with the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. This replaces the Information Governance Toolkit. All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use this toolkit. This ensures the practice of good data security and that personal information is handled correctly.
iGPR are a NHS Digital accredited company who have developed a digital system, which enables GP practices to create digital, GDPR compliant medical reports.
iGPR helps GP Surgeries with data security, speed and efficiency.
iGPR has worked hard to develop their NHS GP IT Futures accredited technology, which interfaces with our GP practice’s system to extract your medical record. This means you can receive a full copy of that information securely and share it with others as you wish, keeping your data safe.
You can find more information on iGPR governance by clicking the link below
Information Governance | iGPR